The Expendables keep their eyes on the gold

The team from the Gold Grove Dodgers baseball club in Adelaide may call themselves the expendables, but they are far from it, going undefeated through the first three days of competition.

The name came from the movie series based around old action heroes coming back for another go.

“We watched a lot of The Expendables movies and we thought we are all washed up old guys, why don’t we go in as ‘The Expendables’,” player Ash White said.

White is hoping his team continues their success and goes home with a gold.

“That would be lovely,” White said.

“It would be excellent because we just won the winter ball grand final as well and with this being a national comp -we will have to have a look at Phoenix [American baseball masters tournament] and Japan [World Masters Games 2021].”

The team was put together to be a powerhouse from within their club.

“What we did is we systematically went through and picked out the people we thought we might want– who got on with who, and who didn’t get on with who,” White said.

“This one’s been crafted out of a div-five team, the winter ball team and the guys who could qualify with their age – there were quite a few who missed out because they were just a couple of years too young.”

The baseball competition continues throughout the week and will conclude on Saturday 12 October.

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