Jordan Kan, self-taught badminton sensation

Jordan started playing badminton in 2009 and was immediately hooked. After winning bronze in his first ever competition at the New Zealand Masters Games in 2015, Jordan has gone on to win medals in Masters Games across the world. 

“I’m so proud of myself not only because I’m always the medallist with the least amount of playing years, but also because I have learned by myself without any formal coaching and training 

Jordan taught himself his award-winning skills through watching YouTube videos, and using playbacks of his competitions to help him improve. 

Jordan is well established in the badminton community having, founding the Dynamic Badminton Association in 2013, and has umpired since receiving his qualifications in 2014. He was also selected selected with the honour of being the flag bearer for badminton at the 2017 World Masters Games in Auckland. 

Never letting bad competitions get him down, Jordan says all games teach him a lot and give him the opportunity to get to meet more friends who share his passion for badminton. 

In 2019 Jordan sustained a serious ankle injury meaning he had to miss the Australian Masters Games, after a year of recovery many thought he wouldn’t be able to play anymore, but with rehabilitation and persistence he is back out on the court training, and can’t wait to compete in the next Australian Masters Games. 

He believes that “If you do love somebody deeply, it is highly likely you would be hurt because of full commitment. However, you wouldn’t stop loving just because of being hurt. It is the same if you do love some sport deeply”. 

Jordan is our final winner of the National Seniors Australia Stories of Triumph competition, and will receive a day trip to Rottnest Island for sharing his story. 

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