About the Games

What are the dates of the event?

The 20th edition of the Australian Masters Games will be held in Canberra, ACT from 18 – 25 October, 2025. The Australian Masters Games is the original and only truly national masters games.

Where is the event?

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Who runs the Australian Masters Games?

The Australian Masters Games (AMG) is owned by and is a key program of the Confederation of Australian Sport’s (CAS) ‘Sport for All’ platform. The 2025 AMG is proudly supported by the ACT Government, VisitCanberra and is managed by UniSport Australia Limited (UniSport) under the direction of CAS. 

When will the sports and venues be announced?

Click here to view the current sport information. 

How old do you have to be to compete in a Masters Games?

AMG defer to the National Sporting Organisations in regard to sport specific age requirements, including minimum age and age as at date. 

Check the minimum age for your sport on the sport program page of the website, as sports are confirmed and details published. 

Where there aren’t Sport specific Masters Rules the default minimum age for the event is 30 years of age as at 31 December 2025. For some sports (e.g. swimming and figure skating) the minimum age will be lower.

There is no maximum age limit. 

Do I have to qualify to compete in the Australian Masters Games?

The Australian Masters Games is a mass participation event, open to anyone who meets the age requirements of their sport of choice. It does not impose qualifying standards and welcomes participants from all over the world. The only criteria to compete in the Australian Masters Games is you must meet the age criteria for your sport. 

In some sports, participants will either be required to be a member of their state association or will need a temporary membership to compete. Information relating to this is contained within the respective sport pages.

What is your stance regarding minors (under 18s) at our event?

The Australian Masters Games is predominantly an ‘Over 30’s aged sporting and social event, with some early retirement sports permitting over 18s. AMG management has recently been asked about Under 18 aged supporters and officials at the 20AMG.  We will release information closer to the start of the Canberra games about the attendance of under 18s.


Do I have to be a registered member of a sporting club to participate in the Australian Masters Games?


A small group of select sports may require you to become a member of the national, state, and/or affiliated body or purchase an event membership for insurance purposes. Please see your chosen sport page for further details.

How many sports and participants will be involved in the 2025 Australian Masters Games?

We are aiming for 50+ sports on offer https://australianmastersgames.com/sports/, depending on capacity of the host location and around 7,500 competing/ non-competing participants. 

Are participants covered for personal accident/injury during the event?

Personal accident/injury insurance coverage is the responsibility of each individual competitor. AMG strongly encourages each participant to investigate their own requirements and needs to ensure they have adequate cover in place should an accident or injury occur during the Games. 

Some sports may offer optional personal insurance through their registration process. 

When will fixtures/draws for my sport be announced?

Fixtures and draws for most sports will be published around one month prior to the start of the event (September 2025). 

When will sports and venues be announced?

The official sport list with their venues can be found at the individual sport pages, accessed through this following link – Sports At The Canberra 2025 Australian Masters Games.  Venues for the special events will be announced in the coming months. Keep your eye out on the website and our social media pages and sign up to our e-news letter https://australianmastersgames.com/subscribe/. 

Where can I access results from the 19th Australian Masters Games in Adelaide in 2023?

Results from all sports at the 19th AMG will be accessible via the individual sport specific pages.

Games Entry Fees

How much are entry fees?

The Australian Masters Games entry fees can be viewed at the following link – Games Fees | Australian Masters Games

What is the difference between the Games entry fee and the sport entry fee, and where does this money go?

The Games entry fee is the same for all participants and is set by the Australian Masters Games organising committee. This Games fee component is directed towards the operational costs of staging the event, to ensure a well conducted event for all competitors. This includes the overall Games costs such as special events program, medals, ceremonies, and centralised services such as accreditation, staffing, first aid, etc. 

The sport entry fee is paid by all participants in addition to the Games entry fee and differs by sport and/or event. This fee is set by the sport organiser, and goes towards the costs of conducting the individual sport competition, including venue hire, equipment and timing costs, etc. 

What's the difference between a Full Access Competitor & 3-Day Access Competitor Registration Fee?

Full Access Competitor Registration Fee gives the competitor full access to all the sports on the program. The fee also grants the competitor access to the Opening & Closing Ceremonies along with the Mid-week Party.

3-Day Access Competitor Registration Fee gives the competitor limited access to the sports program in that they can only select 1 sport from the list of sports where competition runs for 3 days or less. This fee also grants the competitor access to only 2 of the special events throughout the week. 

If a competitor is looking to compete in 2 or more sports, then they will need to select the Full Access Fee when prompted during the registration process.

What is included in my entry fee?

All the details of the inclusions for your entry can be found here. 


How can I enter the Games?

The primary way to enter is via our online Registration Portal. Registrations are now open. For a step-by-step instruction guide here.

If you require further assistance, please contact our registration team via email at amg.admin@unisport.com.au.

How do I register a team?

Team Managers will need to register a team on the Registration Portal before competitors can register into the team. 

Team Managers can register as a Non-Playing Official or as Competitors. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to register a team here

What is the difference between a Supporter and a Non-Playing Official?

A Non-Playing Official is anyone involved in a role that directly assists competitor participation, and includes team manager/s, coach/s, trainer/s, mechanic/s etc. 

A Supporter applies to anyone not participating in sport events, but who would like to participate in the Games social program and attend the exclusive Games ceremonies and events. 

How do I register as a Competitor

To register as a Competitor, follow the instructions set out in this guide. Once you have reached the Registration Type screen, select “Competitor”, then follow these instructions:
– Select your Access Pass (3-day or Full)
– Select the sport/s you wish to compete in (only 1 sport available to select if you choose 3-day pass)
– You will then be taken to your chosen sport/s pages. Follow the prompts to join/create teams, select events within the sports, answer specific questions and more. If you make a mistake, click on the “Previous” button to return the previous screen.
– Once you have completed your sport/s selection, finalise your registration by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions followed by the payment screen.

Your registration is only final once payment has been received. You will receive an on-screen confirmation notice followed by a confirmation email.

How do I register as a Non-Competing Team Manager?

To register as a non-competing Team Manager, please select “Non-Playing Official” participation category on the Registration Type page inside the registration portal. Once this has been selected, choose your sport/s, then create your team, add yourself and your position to the team, then complete your registration.

Why can't I register for a specific age group?

If you are unable to register for a certain age group within your chosen sport as a competitor, it is most likely due to your current age not being within that age bracket. You will only be allowed to join a team or enter as in individual in events that fall in line with your current age. 

If you are registering as a Non-Playing Official and are not competing in any sports and you will be a team manager, you will be able to create a team within your sport for any age bracket however you cannot compete in that team.

Do I need to setup a PayPal account to pay and confirm my registration?


Participants will be sent to the PayPal payment gateway when they select “Finish & Pay”. At the PayPal gateway, participants will have the opportunity to log into or create a PayPal account. 

Should you wish not to join or create a PayPal account, simply fill in your details, including your credit card details, then under the Postcode box, untick the option that says “Save information & create your PayPal account” as per image below. Once unticked, the option should turn grey. You can then click on the Pay Now button to complete payment. 

What happens if I don't receive a confirmation email?

A participant’s registration isn’t final/completed until payment has gone through and being accepted. Once this occurs, the participant will receive a confirmation message on-screen and will be followed by an email.

If you haven’t received your confirmation email within 24 hours of completing your payment, it means you may have not entered your email address correctly in the early stages of your registration. We know this happens quite a bit so don’t worry. Please send an email to amg.rego@unisport.com.au or call us on 02 61037080 with your name, account no. (if you have it), your address, and your correct email address and we will make the necessary edits to your account and re-send your confirmation email. 

When and where can I collect my Accreditation?

Details on the accreditation centre and its location will be released closer to the games.

Travel & Accommodation

Where should I stay?

We will be announcing some exciting details on travel and travel packages very soon. Watch this space.

In the meantime, check out the VisitCanberra website for details on accommodation in Canberra and the ACT.

What are the public transport facilities in Canberra, ACT?

Canberra has an extensive public transport system, including Light Rail and Bus Network, operating across the city and the ACT. We encourage you to visit the Transport Canberra website for all the information.

What weather can I expect?

The weather in Canberra during the month of October is generally mild during the day and often cool at night. Visitors to the City can expect a comfortable stay with fairly consistent temperatures. 

The average maximum daily October temperatures sit between 6 and 19 degrees Celsius. 

As an international participant, how and which visa do I apply for?

Conditions surrounding the participation of international competitors can be viewed HERE. Additional requirements also apply for anyone who currently resides in South Asia. Please contact the AMG Project Team vis email at amg.rego@unisport.com.au

There are many visa options available. As an athlete or visitor to the Games, you are able to apply for a tourist visa. However, this will all depend on your true reason for visiting Australia. 



How do I become an Australian Masters Games volunteer?

Registrations to be a volunteer will open in due course. If you would like to be kept updated about volunteer opportunities, please email admin.amg@unisport.com.au

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