
Sports for the 2025 Australian Masters Games

The Australian Masters Games is one of Australia’s largest regular multisport festivals with an extensive sport program offering over 50 different sports. There truly is something for everyone!

We are excited to release our first wave of sports that will be available for participants to register for when registrations open on Wednesday 29th January 2025. We have been working closely with National and State Sporting Organisations and local clubs and associations here in Canberra to prepare a wide variety of different sports to cater for all abilities.

To find out all the information regarding your sport, click on your sport icon below providing further detail on each sport, such as the venue, sport specific competition dates, age groups, and so much more.

If your prospective sport is not amongst the icons below or has no updated information, don’t stress, they are coming soon!! Another wave of sports will open in February so make sure you continue to check back to this page or follow our social media channels for announcements.

To keep your finger on the pulse and be first to hear about sport announcements, sign up to our e-newsletter here.

Coming Soon!

If your sport is on this list, it will be open for registration soon!! Details will be released shortly, just hang on a few more days!! There are also more sports not listed below that will be included as well.

Interactive Masters Games Map - Coming Soon

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