Sailing – Windsurfer LT

Entries Close Date

11.59pm Friday, 22 April 2022


Saturday 23 April – Saturday 30 April 2022
Rest days: Monday 25 April and Thursday 28 April

12.00pm – 5.00pm

Games Entry Fee

VIP Gold  entry fee $125 per person – VIP Gold Entry Closes 30th April

$115 per person or $105 per person for people aged 70+
(the above entry fees will increase to $145 and $135 respectively as at February 11 2022)

Please note: All transactions are subject to a PayPal charge (1.5% of total amount due +$0.30).
Further details available in the Games Entry Terms & Conditions.

Sport Entry Fee

$80 per person

Last Updated: 25/03/2022

Age Requirements

Age determined at 31 December 2022
Minimum age 30 years

Age Groups

Female: 30-49 (Masters), 50-59 (Grand Masters), 60+ (Legends)
Male: 30-49 (Masters), 50-59 (Grand Masters), 60+ (Legends)


Course Racing (Windward Leeward)
Marathon (Long course using river marks)


Floating Weight Divisions: Light, Medium, Heavy, Super Heavy

Number of Participant Requirements

Minimum number of participants required to conduct competition: 25

Mounts Bay Sailing Club

Australia II Dr, Crawley Western Australia 6009

Additional Information

  • Having an Australian Sailing number is a requirement. Temporary Australian Sailing memberships are available for those who do not have an Australian Sailing number for $50 by emailing 
  • Having a WCAA membership is a requirement. WCAA membership can be obtained for a cost of $65 by emailing
  • Both memberships need to be confirmed a minimum 7 days prior to the commencement of competition
  • Board charter is available for a cost of $200 by contacting the supplier, Greg Johns directly at
  • Board charter will close TBC.
  • There will be a social event at a cost of $50. Details TBC.


The competition will be conducted under the Windsurfer Class Association of Australia class rules in conjunction with the Notice of Race and sailing instructions that will be published prior to the event.

Sailing – Windsurfer LT Specific Enquiries

Larry Smith
Mounts Bay Sailing Club
0413 436 005

2022 Australian Masters Games General Enquiries
Click Here

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